The person I can be open and honest with
The person whom know me better than I know myself.
I love you for being the wonderful person taht you are
For the beauty you bring into my life just being there
I love you for the fun we have together and the openess that characters our relationship.

It was June 2007,english time when I met Michelle,my friend.. She was performing the activity that Ma'am Rubillar assigned to us(named thing that describe your personality). our class entertained during she performed that activity. "I remember"that was yhe word that makes her known to our class..(wrong grmming?)hehe. She is a jolly and funny girl.
When our class end, Honey, Nadine and I approached her to make friend. We interviewed her and she shared about her girlfriend before "may". She was opened and friendly to us. The time has come that our group was built. Me, Honey, Nadine, Crisna, Che and Michelle. We enjoyed malling and shared some topic that made our group laughed. We shared also assignment and even projects.
We already knew, that in a group there are things that they can't understand with eac

In spite of this scenario, our friendship between Michelle and I still going strong until now. In frienship, there must be opositte attitude. So that each partner learn sometimes from the other one. Like in our friendship, Michelle and I are different to each other. When Michelle had problem, tatawa lng yan tapos hindi niya pinapakita sa iba na problemado siya. Unlike me, walang oras na hindi ko inisip ang problem ko. In terms of stu